Stress Coping Strategies – Lavender

Lavender for stress coping

When it comes to stress coping strategies, Lavender is my favorite essential oil. Aromatherapy is a very effective way to reduce stress – here’s why.

Have you ever caught a whiff of perfume on a breeze and suddenly been filled with memories of another time or place?

Aromas have the power to evoke distant memories of people and places because of all our senses, the sense of smell is most strongly linked to the subconscious. Scents are capable of producing immediate, intense responses because they are processed by the part of the brain that controls memory and emotion.

Just a quick whiff of lovely Lavender calms nerves, quiets anxiety and promotes relaxation. Heck, even visualizing fields of waving lavender flowers will reduce stress!

Not only is Lavender a beautiful flower used in a wide variety of products like soaps and lotions, it’s unique flavor makes it a popular addition to chocolate, cookies and jams. It’s also one of two essential oils that can be applied directly to the skin, without first being mixed into a carrier oil. I often use it as perfume, dabbing it on my wrists, behind ears and under my nose so I continuously breathe in all it’s goodness.

Lavender is so gentle you can add a drop to a baby’s bath to calm them and help them (and you!) sleep longer. For a soothing, relaxing bath, try adding eight drops of Lavender oil to a full tub, or four drops a foot bath. Spraying essential oil mixed with water adds a pleasant fragrance to the room as well as calming the nerves and promoting a sense of well-being in everyone in it.

You also may want to keep stress at bay by sleeping with a ‘dream pillow’ filled with dried lavender. Dabbing lavender on the soles of your feet will also promote deep restful sleep.

Give lavender a try, and it’s sure to become one of your ‘go to’ stress coping strategies! And if you enjoyed this excerpt from Relief Beyond Belief; Exploring the World of Natural Healing, you’ll love the book – check it out here, I have created a special package for you!  This value package includes a 150 page illustrated e-book exploring 29 therapies – from Acupressure to Yoga, downloadable videos with 22 Master Healer Interviews – 11 hours of healing  you won’t find anywhere else – and a Guided Chakra Meditation MP3, even a coaching session with me! Regularly $97, now just $24.97!

In Light

The Law of Attraction Works – Lesson 2

The Law of Attraction Works, when you know how to apply it properly!
In this free the Law of Attraction Works video, the second in this series, you’ll learn just how important it is to notice when you’re thoughts are leading you away from your goals and dreams. I call these automatic negative thoughts ANTs. Watch this video to discover how to halt these ANTs in their tracks!
Ready to take charge of improving all areas of your life? Check out my Wishful Thanking program
In this transformational online video course you will:

  • Master the art of manifestation, step by step, and tap into your abilities as a creator
  • Meet your chakras and learn to unleash their power to create success in every life area
  • Erase your limiting beliefs and create the limitless life you desire
  • Use customized action steps for permanent change
  • Bring your greatest desires into reality
  • Discover the unlimited possibilities that unfold as you release blockages and limiting beliefs.

When you  apply the Wishful Thanking system of manifesting, you’ll experience  changes beyond your wildest expectations.
It can take years of study to find the techniques that really get results – a long, frustrating process. In most cases, people give up, feeling more miserable then when they started. Now you can skip all that and go directly to success! You will receive:

  • Law of Attraction training, blended with the ancient wisdom of the chakra system
  • the book that inspired this program, Wishful Thanking; 7 Simple Steps to Abundance video-enhanced book,  including Loving the Law of Attraction 5 part video training program
  • Lifetime access to all course material
  • Access to a private Facebook group to connect and brainstorm with me and other members who ‘get it’
  • Unlimited email correspondence with Alexandria throughout the program
  • Our ‘Healing with Aromatherapy’ special report
  • Our ‘Release Resistance with EFT’ video tutorial
  • A precise whole-life make over in easy bite-size chunks; we take all the guess work out of the process by showing you exactly what to focus on each day
  • weekly lazer-focused coaching videos
  • one private 60 minute coaching call
  • one personal chakra assessment/balancing via Akashic Records

I hope you enjoy this the Law of Attraction Works video – stay tuned for lesson 3 !
Love & Light, Alexandria

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day my friends! This has got to be one of my favorite ‘holidays’, because it focuses on love! If you aren’t in a relationship, indulge yourself the way you would want them to! Buy yourself the flowers and chocolate, make a special meal, or some other treat! The more love you bring into your life the more you attract to you, in every relationship!

Happy Valentine’s Day

Whether you have that special someone in your life now, or in the process of attracting them, this is a great day to let EVERYONE you love know how you feel about them. In fact why settle for just a day when we can celebrate love all month – year round for that matter!
The more you generate love in your heart, the more you’ll see it manifest in the world around you. And to think – it all began with you! So that’s where the love should also begin – with loving yourself! You absolutely have to fall in love with yourself, warts and all, before you attract someone who will love you as completely. Loving yourself unconditionally will encourage others to do the same, as well as being great training for you loving them unconditionally as well!
A great ritual to begin today — list 100 things you love and are grateful for each day (you’ll be surprised how quickly they add up!)
If you ARE in a relationship, try Abraham’s technique of listing all your favorite things about that person, like the things that attracted you in the first place. You’ll see more you like by doing this, guaranteed! Everyone loves to be appreciated – what a great gift to give! And again, share the love with yourself!
And while you’re at it, why not do an appreciation list for everyone you interact with on a regular basis? See the best in them, and they’ll show you their best.
Be the change you want to see in your world, and make every day a Happy Valentine’s Day!

Love & Light, Alexandria

The Law of Attraction Works – lesson 1

The Law of Attraction Works, when you know how to work it! Discover the secrets to your success in this training video, the first in a series of 5.
In Part 1 of The Law of Attraction Works, you’ll discover what steps to take, and what pitfalls to avoid. Watch and discover how to start living the life you really want, NOW!
I hope you enjoyed this  training video. Please drop me a line, I’m excited to learn how your life improves as you begin to learn how the Law of Attraction Works!
And if you’re ready to transform your life, check out my Wishful Thanking; 7 Simple Steps to Abundance  program, designed to turbo-charge your efforts!
Love & Light

Create Your Life By Scripting

Last night I had such fun with a ‘create your life by scripting’ phone call I did with a group, I just had to share. It was my first time using this Abraham technique in a group setting, and I must say I felt it benefited from all the combined energy!

Scripting speaks it into being

Did you know you can create your life by scripting as a verbal practice as well as written? It works very much the same as the traditional process. Scripting is basically writing your life as you want it to be, as if you’re writing a play and you are the main character.
How cool is that? You can be anything you want in your mind, which is your blueprint for what you intend to bring into your life! You also get to decide who plays the supporting roles to your leading lady/man! And where you get to live, who you share your home with, where it’s located, what you do for a living, the amount of money in your bank account, everything!
Scripting is a great way to focus on what you want in a light carefree way that holds you in the vibrational place of receiving it, while also sending a clear request to the Universe. When doing it over the phone with others, it’s important to stay in character. You aren’t talking about how great it’ll be when these things happen – you’re talking about your life as if it’s happening now. Think of yourself as an actor studying their script for a role!
The fun comes in when you really let yourself dream big and savor the feelings you know you’ll have when your dreams come to fruition. You don’t need a whole group of people – it works very well with a like-minded partner who is willing to take turns daydreaming out loud. Why not give it a try, and share your results here!
In Light

Holistic Stress Relief – Life Is Meaningless

Holistic Stress Relief Life is Meaningless imageIt may seem strange to title a holistic stress relief article, ‘life is meaningless’. Don’t worry, I haven’t given up on life, nor do I recommend you do so. But the truth is, life IS meaningless.
All events and circumstances are neutral. The simply ARE. It’s our perception that make them appear good, bad or otherwise. Perception is everything – and fortunately, is completely under our control.
So a statement that started out sounding pessimistic becomes the opposite. The fact that life is meaningless is a great gift!
You can look out the window at grey skies and decide it’s going to be a horrible waste of a day. Or you could be pleased that the flowers will get a drink and save you watering!
A traffic gridlock could seem like the most frustrating thing ever, or it could give you time to listen to an uplifting audio, or mentally review all the other things in your life you’re grateful for!
A surefire holistic stress relief technique is to stop sweating what you have no control over – things like the weather, traffic, and other people’s moods. Put the focus back on the most important factor in your life – your personal state of mind. Because believe it or not, you have control over your thoughts. Only you. It doesn’t matter if all those around you are in the ‘this sucks’ camp – as long as you don’t buy into it, you can keep your thoughts and spirits uplifted.
You may be wondering, ‘why bother’ right about now. It’s important to always remember that we get what we vibrate. You can always turn your thoughts around, but it’s so much easier to do as soon as you notice they’re headed on a downward spiral. To turn it around, find a way – any way – to feel more positive about the subject at hand.
If good weather happens to be especially important to you on a particular day, and the weather isn’t cooperating, take baby steps to turn your mood sunny. Look for the silver lining in those storm clouds! There’s bound to be something – after all, when you’re focused on finding something positive, the Law of Attraction must bring it. It is LAW.
Learn about other holistic stress relief techniques, such as meditation and affirmations, with my ebook and expert interview video series, Relief Beyond Belief; Exploring the World of Natural Healing. This value package includes a 150 page illustrated e-book exploring 29 therapies – from Acupressure to Yoga, downloadable videos with 22 Master Healer Interviews – 11 hours of healing  you won’t find anywhere else – and a Guided Chakra Meditation MP3, and a coaching session with me! Regularly $97, now just $24.97!
In Light,